Hypnobirthing Classes in Bolton
The Ultimate Birth Prep Course
An Antenatal course for expectant parents who would like to
feel calm and confident for birth and beyond.
A face to face five week course delivered in a comfortable, small group setting.
Starts Feb 27
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Starts Apr 24
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Starts Jun 19
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" Birth is not only about making babies
it's about making mothers - strong competent capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."
Barbara Katz Rothman

The Ultimate Birth Prep Course.
This course has been lovingly designed for expectant parents who would like to feel informed and prepared for birth and life with a new baby.
How would you like to...
Feel informed and confident as you approach your upcoming birth
Learn practical tools to help you feel calm and relaxed during labour
Have a birth partner who is equipped and prepared to support you.
Learn 'hands on' practical skills to help you care for your new baby.
Make friends with other like-minded expectant parents local to you.
If so, then this course is definitely for YOU !!!
The course is delivered over five weekly sessions and is led by Aimee a Registered Nurse, NHS Health Visitor and hypnobirthing teacher.
The classes are held in a comfortable home from home
location in my cosy, purpose built, garden studio in Bolton.
Each group is intentionally limited to a maximum five couples to ensure you have plenty of time and opportunities to ask any questions.
"Hypnobirthing not only enabled me to go through the majority of labour with little pain relief, just the use of breathing and relaxation techniques, it had also given Matt so much confidence knowing more about the labour and the ways in which he can help me through it." Mummy to baby Rufus.
The Details
Session One
A good place to start! Preparing
you both for the journey ahead.
Ditching the myths about Hypnobirthing,
It's all based on science PHEW!
How to create a positive mindset for birth and
avoid the dreaded Fear, Tension, Pain cycle.
Exploring the amazing 'Mind Body Connection'
how to release your fears around birth.
Exploring what a positive birth means for YOU!
And how to stack the odds in your favour.
Watch your language! Understand the power of your words and creating positive affirmations.
An introduction to relaxation, how to stay calm
during your labour and why this is so important.
Session Two
Creating a positive and calm environment for your birth.
​Where to give birth, exploring the pros and cons
for all of your birth place choices.
Feathering your nest, how to create a calm and comfortable birth environment, wherever you are.
Creating Anchors for relaxation during birth,
using the power of your senses.
Your Amazing birth hormones,
Oxytocin V Adrenaline, let the battle commence.
Your babies experience of birth, understanding
their transition from Womb to World.
How to be an AMAZING birth partner,
introducing a team approach to birth.
Session Three
And Breathe! How to work with your amazing body during labour.
What is a Contraction? What do they ACTUALLY feel
like and how best to cope with them.
Your AMAZING body! What happens during
labour and what to expect each each stage.
Lets get physical! Discovering active birth positions
that can make birth quicker and easier.
Just breathe! Simple tools and techniques
that will make a HUGE difference during labour.​
​The A to Z of comfort measures what are
the natural and pharmacological options.
Simple massage techniques for every stage of
labour, providing hands on support.
Session Four
Birth YOUR way - Birth choices, interventions and calm caesareans.
​A new approach to birth plans, how to
communicate your preferences for birth.
The truth about due dates, natural nudges
and getting labour started.
What is an induction? And how to have a
positive experience, if you need one.
Navigating risks and interventions, making
decisions that feel right for YOU.
Assisted delivery and calm caesareans
when might you need them and why.
Coping with a change of plan with
confidence, there is beauty in EVERY birth.
Session Five
Caring for your new baby, mindful breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
Bringing your baby home and
supporting the bonding process.
Mindful breastfeeding, an introduction to
positioning and attachment.
How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk
and cluster feeding explained.
Practice makes perfect, how to change a nappy,
dress a baby and enjoy bath times together.
​Postnatal planning and setting yourself up for
a positive fourth trimester.
It takes a village! Finding your tribe and
discovering what support is available.
The Little Extras
Your comprehensive and supportive tool box for birth and beyond.
A Comprehensive 65 page Hypnobirthing Workbook
to support the weekly course content.
A goodie bag filled with useful things for labour
and some extra little treats for you!
Hypnobirthing and Relaxation MP3'S for you to listen
to in the comfort of your own home.
A Mindful Breastfeeding EBook and
resources including affirmations and mp3's.
A private Whatsapp group to ask any questions
and receive support inbetween classes.
Access to a private Facebook group, with helpful
videos for Pregnancy, Birth and beyond.
I feel much calmer, more prepared for myself, and the journey I will go on and we are empowered to make the decisions that are right for us. If you are considering booking a course with Aimee, I would say 100% go for it, her delivery has been absolutely amazing, so engaging, interesting and personable.
Natalie and Joe ~ First Time Parents
" The course helped my husband to be really supportive and practical during my birth. It gave me so much confidence to ask more questions of the midwives and doctors and listen to my own instincts. It really changed my experience of birth and supported me to stay at home way into my labour. Aimee is such a warm and knowledgeable person, who makes you feel really comfortable. Aimee prepared a beautiful hypnobirthing pack for us and shared some really valuable resources.
I would highly recommend karma babies! Thank you Aimee!"
Michelle and Mike ~ Second Time Parents
My husband and i are so very glad that we decided to sign up for Aimee's hypnobirthing classes Aimee is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She doesn't just cater to Mums but also dads as well. We feel so much more confident now with our first baby! We would highly recommend.
Hannah and Sam ~ First Time Parents

The Little Extra's
A Comprehensive Hypnobirthing Workbook.
A goodie bag filled with lots of treats.
Hypnobirthing and Pregnancy Relaxation MP3'S.
Positive Birth and Parenting Affirmation Cards.
Weekly handouts including birth plan templates.
A group Whatsapp for ongoing support and questions.
Access to a private Facebook group, with helpful resources on Pregnancy, Birth And the Postnatal Period.